Current approaches to human resources management at domestic enterprises during the russian-Ukrainian war
Kramar, Iryna Baranov, Kostiantyn
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ruska Str., 56, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001
Bibliographic description (International):
Kramar, I. & Baranov, K. (2024) Current approaches to human resources management at domestic enterprises during the russian-Ukrainian war. Socio-Economic Problems and the State (electronic journal), Vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 140-151. URL: http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2024/24kiyruv.pdf
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State"
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Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
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https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5768-988X https://orcid.org/0009-0001-6222-7222
D01 D21 J24
human resources personnel management communications socio-psychological climate staff mobilization personnel inclusion
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An analysis of the peculiarities of human resources management process implementation at domestic enterprises under conditions of the russian-Ukrainian war is presented in the article. A study of the main factors influencing on the enterprises’ personnel functioning and development is carried out. It is determined that the most negative one is the military and political situation in the country. A significant number of challenges and problems, affecting the efficiency of human resources management is identified, in particular: the necessity to ensure the personnel's physical safety, mobilization of qualified workers for the purpose of country defense, the gradual release and optimization of human resources, an insufficient number of active qualified labor force, a significant deterioration of social and psychological climate within collectives, deformation of communication and reduction in the efficiency of the management system, low (absent) level of readiness for staff inclusion, etc. In addition, it is determined that despite the current situation in the country, it is important and necessary to adjust the personnel management approach to the social norms of Western countries in the process of European integration processes. To increase the efficiency of human resources management and improve the psychological climate at the enterprise, some measures are suggested, aimed at providing psychological support and rehabilitation of employees: introducing flexible work schedules, programs for professional development and increasing the personnel qualifications, strengthening the motivation system through new approaches, using modern information technologies to optimize personnel management, active involvement of external experts to provide advisory assistance on issues of personnel management in wartime, etc. Emphasis is put on the necessity to develop and implement existing professional programs for veterans of war readaptation and resocialization, including the ones at workplaces. It is noted that only a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the above-mentioned measures makes it possible to ensure an efficiency increase of the enterprises’ human resources management systems, which as a result, will have a positive impact on the economic situation in the country.
The authors received no direct funding for this research.
Copyright owner:
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State"
URL for reference material:
http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2024/24kiyruv.pdf https://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/2214 https://jvestnik-sss.donnu.edu.ua/article/view/14699 https://reicst.com.ua/pmt/article/view/2022-6-04-08 https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/2374 https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/intelektualy-svity-obureni-bombarduvannyam-kharkivskoho-vydavnytstva-vivat/32961741.html https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2024/05/27/7457861/ https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ua/Documents/Press-release/AmCham-Deloitte-Survey-on-impact-of-war-on-HC_UKR.pdf https://senior.ua/articles/zmenshili-byudzhet-ta-zmnili-benefti--yak-vyna-vplinula-na-socalniy-paket-ta-bonusi-ukranskih-itkopmany https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/3633-20#Text https://gradus.app/uk/open-reports/mental-health-and-attitudes-ukrainians-towards-psychological-assistance-during-war/ https://life.pravda.com.ua/society/2023/09/19/256633/
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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.30, No.1
