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Personnel potential management mechanism based on the concept of synergy


Personnel potential management mechanism based on the concept of synergy


Smachylo, V.

Bibliographic description:


Smachylo, V. (2017). Mekhanizm upravlinnia kadrovym potentsialom na osnovi kontseptsii synerhii [Personnel potential management mechanism based on the concept of synergy]. Socio-Economic Problems and the State. 17 (2), 171-182.

Issue Date:


Submitted date:



Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


331.107 (108)






personnel potential of enterprise
synergy coefficient management




The rapid transformation of socio-economic systems at all levels and the growing role of people in the economy require revision of the concept of management of personnel potential of an enterprise (PPE). This stipulates the necessity of the formation of modern mechanisms for managing it. In the study, the author has proposed a mechanism of management of personnel potential of an enterprise on the basis of the concept of synergy, which involves: development of a methodology of evaluation, direct assessment of personnel potential of employees and enterprises, management impact on the basis of evaluation, calculation of dynamic changes after the implementation of management influence in accordance with the objectives, the evaluation of efficiency management by the criterion of synergy, construction of a matrix for determining the strategies of PPE management on the basis of synergy, development, implementation and enforcement of policies implemented. It is recommended, as a criterion for the effectiveness of management, to consider the presence of synergy, described by mathematical dependence. This will allow to perform effective managerial influence on the personnel potential of the enterprise in accordance with the objectives.



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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", 2017

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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.17, No.2



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