UKRAINE-POLAND-RUSSIA RELATIONS IN A HYBRID INTERSTATE CONFLICT (Analysis of historical views on the spiritual, political, and socio-economic development of good-neighborly, interstate relations in conditions of public instability)
Title |
UKRAINE-POLAND-RUSSIA RELATIONS IN A HYBRID INTERSTATE CONFLICT (Analysis of historical views on the spiritual, political, and socio-economic development of good-neighborly, interstate relations in conditions of public instability) |
Authors |
Bibliographic description: (International) |
Andrushkiv, B., Pohaidak, О., Kyrych, N., Reshetnyk, V. & Palyanytsya, V. (2018). Vzaiemovidnosyny Ukraina – Polshcha – Rosiia v umovakh hibrydnoho mizhderzhavnoho protystoiannia (Analityka istorychnykh pohliadiv na dukhovnyi, politychnyi ta sotsialnoekonomichnyi rozvytok dobrosusidskykh, mizhderzhavnykh vidnosyn v umovakh suspilnoi nestabilnosti) [Ukraine-Poland-Russia relations in a hybrid interstate conflict (Analysis of historical views on the spiritual, political, and socio-economic development of good-neighborly, interstate relations in conditions of public instability)]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 160- 178. Available at: |
Issue Date |
dec-2018 |
Submitted date |
oct-2018 |
Publisher |
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University |
DOI: | |
327 |
JEL: |
Z00 E65 |
Keywords |
State Ukraine Poland Russia international relations politics stability strategy efficiency factors economic activities the transformation society the European Union |
pages |
19 |
first page |
160 |
last page |
178 |
Abstract |
The article, based on analysis of the literature and existing experience of international relations of the identified inter-state problems between Ukraine, Poland and Russia. The causes of their occurrence. Review of the relationship carried out in the context of implementation of our state of emergency and martial law, transitional economy, unstable society. Research and development dedicated to the establishment of good-neighborly interstate relations between Ukraine, Poland and Russia. The ways of cooperation, improving the efficiency of production through innovative management factors, the use of means of modernization of production and technological processes in accordance with the standards and requirements of the EU. It is established that one of the most acceptable methods for evaluating the stability of society, from the point of view of efficiency of use of spiritual, political, economic, energy, labour and other factors in the context of the European requirements are not only relevant, but also timely from the standpoint of economic development strategy of Ukraine. It is established that due to these factors it is possible to ensure stable functioning of the state that actually can make it competitive in the international community and the EU conditions. |
URI | |
ISSN: | 2223-3822 |
Copyright owner |
Socio-Economic Problems and the State |
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type |
Article |
Appears in Collections |
Socio-Economic Problems and the State, Vol. 19, no. 2 |
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