Comparative evaluation of Ukraine woodworking industry raw material potential and EU countries
Comparative evaluation of Ukraine woodworking industry raw material potential and EU countries |
Sozanskyy, Lyubomyr |
Bibliographic description: (International) |
Sozanskyy, L. (2019) Porivnialna otsinka syrovynnoho potentsialu derevoobrobnoi promyslovosti Ukrainy i krain YeS [Comparative evaluation of Ukraine woodworking industry raw material potential and EU countries]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 166-173. Available at: |
Issue Date:
31-may-2019 |
Submitted date: |
march-2019 |
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University |
DOI: | |
339.9, 338.4 |
JEL: |
Q230 |
Keywords: |
evaluation of raw material potential |
8 |
First page: |
166 |
Last page:
173 |
The current state and prospects of domestic wood-processing industry, which in some way are determined by the trends of volume and assortment of converted wood in Ukraine, are analyzed in the article. The necessity to assess the raw material potential of the Ukrainian wood-processing industry is justified. The research results testify that Ukraine has sufficient raw material potential to ensure the dynamic development of the wood-processing industry. The analytical substantiation of directions of development and rational use of the raw material potential of the Ukrainian wood-processing industry is presented. The Ukraine’s positions among the European Union (EU) countries in terms of the volume of liquid, business and fuel converted wood are determined: it holds the 6th place among the EU countries in terms of wood reserves and the 7th – in terms of the liquid wood converting. The unsatisfactory structure of the converted wood in Ukraine is revealed and interpreted as a threat to the environmental and national security and the prospects of the wood-processing enterprises’ development. Share of the fuel wood in the liquid one in 2017 amounted to 61.4% compared to 53.3% in 2010. In the neighboring countries with a similar forest landscape – in Poland and Czech Republic – the share of the fuel wood was 11.6% and 12.3% respectively, in Slovakia – only 6.3%, and in the EU in general – 23.2%. It is pointed out that the identified structural and dynamic features of the state of affairs with the converted wood in Ukraine is the result of the increasing loss of forest stands, changes in world markets, domestic demand for certain types of wood, capacity of wood-processing enterprises, regulatory mechanisms and other multifaceted factors. According to the research results the analytical conclusions are formulated. Keywords: evaluation of raw material potential, wood-processing industry, liquid wood, fuel wood, business wood. |
2223-3822 |
Copyright owner:
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", 2019 |
References: |
1. Halasyuk, V. V. (2017). Osoblyvosti derzhavnoyi polityky shchodo zabezpechennya syrovynoyu pidpryyemstv derevoobrobnoyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny [Tools ensuring the access to raw materials for woodworking industry enterprises of Ukraine]. Visnyk Kharkivs’koho national’noho ahrarnoho universytetu im. V. V. Dokuchayeva – The Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after. V. V. Dokuchaev, 3, 254-264. Series of Economic Sciences (Index Copernicus Value (ICV) 2017: 70.84). [in Ukrainian]. |
Issue type:
Article |
Appears in Collections: |
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.20, No.1 |
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