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System of volunteer management projects for renewal of tourism resources


System of volunteer management projects for renewal of tourism resources


Hryhorieva, Liudmyla

Bibliographic description:


Hryhorieva, L. (2019) Systema volonterskoho menedzhmentu proektiv z vidnovlennia turystychnykh resursiv [System of volunteer management projects for renewal of tourism resources]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 153-165. Available at:

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Submitted date:



Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University







tourism resources
system of volunteer management
project for renewal
project organizer
development of tourism



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Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the functioning of the management system and the existing experience of attracting volunteer work to the restoration of tourism resources, the problems of volunteer management are identified in the paper. The reasons for their occurrence and the need to organize projects for the renewal of tourist resources are established. The consideration of the components of volunteer management is carried out at the level of the organizer of the project, public or charitable organization. The involvement of volunteers in the implementation of projects will give an impulse to the development of tourism, will allow to find ways to cooperate with the public and authorities in the conditions of limited financial resources of communities. Scientific developments are devoted to the functioning of the volunteer management system for environmental projects and cultural-historical initiatives. It is established that the definition of the goal of the volunteer project is the basis of the volunteer management system functioning for renewal of tourism resources. The main problem in the selection is that it is necessary to attract the qualified volunteer who would be able to assist with the required level of difficulty. The elements of the volunteer program will depend on the scale of the project, the size of the funding, the structure and objectives of this program and form a cycle of employment organization and volunteersretention. The study of the foreign experience will allow volunteering to be transformed not only into an episode, but into the philosophy of charity and will become a motivational basis. The practical significance of the study is to formulate: the basic principles of working with specialists as volunteers; qualitative characteristics of an effective volunteer management system of projects for renewal of tourism resources; development of a general scheme of the volunteer management system functioning of the project organizer. Further research needs to be done to improve motivational incentives for volunteers and engage them to renew tourist resources through the organization of volunteer tourism in close cooperation between communities, project organizers and tour operators.



Copyright owner:

Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", 2019


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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.20, No.1




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