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Socio-humanitarian instrumentation of the germinative development efficiency of administrative-territorial unit



Socio-humanitarian instrumentation of the germinative development efficiency of administrative-territorial unit



Andrushkiv, Bohdan
Kyrych, Nataliia
Melnyk, Liliya
Pohajdak, Olha
Sherstiuk, Roman

Bibliographic description:



Andrushkiv, B., Kyrych, N., Melnyk, L., Pohajdak, O. & Sherstiuk, R. (2019) Sotsiohumanitarnyi instrumentarii pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti herminatyvnoho rozvytku administratyvnoterytorialnoi odynytsi [Socio-humanitarian instrumentation of the germinative development efficiency of administrative-territorial unit]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio- Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 141-152. Available at:

Issue Date:



Submitted date:





Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University










sustainable development
administrative-territorial reform
herminative development
entrepreneurial activity
innovative approaches
European standards
post-conflict period




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In the article, on the general background of social development of Ukraine, in the context of administrative-territorial reform, have been determined the place of spirituality, morals and public educational formations in the implementation of nature protection policy of the state. There has been: clarified their role in the use of European approaches to ensuring sustainable (germinal) development of the economy as economic entities and the national economy as a whole; revealed the relationships and mutual relations in the development of education, science, production, public and ecology in the state, in a hermeneutical context. On this basis, there have been established trends in the development of this process. The paper disclosed the general theoretical and applied principles of the preconditions formation for the use of innovative approaches for realization of the state concept of sustainable (herminative) development in Ukraine, in accordance with the needs of the united territorial communities according to European standards. Also there were offered the ways of solving these problems in the context of program realization of economic, ecological and territorial-administrative reforms in Ukraine in the post-conflict period. The carried out research made it possible to formulate the following recommendations: it is necessary to systematically improve approaches to the organization of hierarchically sustainable (herminative) development both in the country in general and in industries and regions, in particular with the widespread use of the public component; it is expedient to apply the European experience in the nature protection activity, including European ecological requirements, in Ukraine; the priority development of the economy, introduction of the achievements of science and technology in the framework of the Sustainable Development Program for 2019-2025 should be promoted; implementation of the organizational and economic mechanisms of the environmental activities development is to be comprehensive; institutions, enterprises and organizations operating within united territorial communities that directly manage environmental activities, should impact on this process not by direct administration but by economic means; further transformation of environmental processes by the state will transfer their management to a qualitatively new basis – “electronic system” – which will make it possible to effectively promote the regional environmentally friendly product on the world markets through the Internet.

Keywords: morality, spirituality, sustainable development, administrative-territorial reform, herminative development, education, science, entrepreneurial activity, innovative approaches, European standards, program, production, economy, state, post-conflict period.




Copyright owner:


Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", 2019



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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.20, No.1




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