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Development of enterprise as effective platform of economic system performace


Development of enterprise as effective platform of economic system performace


Zavidna, Liudmyla
Kyrych, Nataliia
Mykolaichuk, Iryna

Bibliographic description:

Zavidna, L., Kyrych, N. & Mykolaichuk, I. (2019) Rozvytok pidpryiemstva yak efektyvna platforma rezultatyvnosti ekonomichnoi systemy [Development of enterprise as effective platform of economic system performace]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 118-130. Available at:

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Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University








enterprise development
economic system development
socio-economic system (SES)
economic development
enterprise management
qualitative and quantitative changes
development of hotel industry



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Theoretical and practical approaches to the definition of the notion «development of the enterprise» are developed in the article, its nature and features in the management of the enterprise are specified. Permanent development of the company as a necessary condition for its effective functioning in the market is determined, and the intensity, direction and development trajectory are defined by a set of factors of the external and internal environment. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical and conceptual approaches of the theory of economic development and application of the basic principles of the process approach, the author’s own formulation of the concept of enterprise development is proposed. A model of enterprise development based on the resource costs is constructed. The tendencies of the hotel industry development in the system of the national economy of Ukraine are researched, the analysis and evaluation of financial activity of hotel industry enterprises is carried out and the factors influencing their economic development are identified. The current state of the domestic hotel industry development is characterized by the mismatch of the existing services provision to the world level of hotel services and modern requirements of consumers. The weaknesses of the hotel industry enterprises functioning are identified as follows: unsatisfactory financial condition due to high amount of debts; low profitability (or loss) due to high costs; irrational asset structure; high share of hotels that are out of interest, including investment one, to their owners.

Keywords: enterprise development, economic system development, socio-economic system (SES), economic development, enterprise management, qualitative and quantitative changes, performance, development of hotel industry, potential.



Copyright owner:

Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", 2019


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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.20, No.1




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