Authors: | Andrushkiv, Bohdan Vladymyr, Olga Kyrych, Nataliia Pohajdak, Olha Hahaliuk, Olha |
Affiliation: | Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 56 Ruska str., 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine *e-mail: **e-mail: ***e-mail: ****e-mail: |
Bibliographic description: | Andrushkiv, B., Vladymyr, O., Kyrych, N., Pohajdak, O. & Hahaliuk, O. (2019) Herminatyvnyi (stalyi) rozvytok suspilstva, yak komponenta yoho kultury i navpaky… [Germinative (sustainable) development of the society as a component of its culture and vice versa…]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 219-234. Available at: |
Issue Date: | dec-2019 |
Submitted date: | oct-2019 |
Publisher: | Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University |
DOI: | |
UDC: | 338.2:65.016.2:304.9 |
JEL: | Q56 |
Keywords: | culture education science sustainable development germinative union of territorial communities science business European standards program production economy state |
Pages: | 219-234 |
First page: | 219 |
Last page: | 234 |
Abstract: | The level of culture of the region’s citizens, industrial enterprises and services sphere workers are suggested for the first time to be analyzed as the primary cause of environmental work deterioration. Based on the initial analysis, the interconnections, relationships and contradictions in domestic and foreign interpretations of culture role in solving problems of sustainable (germinative) development were identified. The role of science and education has been identified based on the general background of cultural and socio-economic development. They are considered as those due to which it is possible to achieve positive results in the implementation of European approaches to enhance culture and then germinative economic development. The general theoretical and applied principles to form prerequisites for the use of cultural and educational approaches in Ukraine aiming at realization of the sustainable (germinative) development state concept are defined and formulated. It is suggested to clarify the terminological apparatus in the field of society sustainable (germinative) development. The problem is addressed in both global and regional, sectoral and voluntary regional communities. Based on this the tendencies of this process are established, the enhancement of cultural genesis and culture itself are suggested, as a lever of sustainability (germinability) concept realization under conditions of administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine and in accordance with European standards and requirements of the civilized world, level of national culture increase and strengthening national traditions in this sphere. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 2223-3822 |
Copyright owner: | Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State" |
URL-releated material: | =1&id=952 /57511.doc.htm doi:10.1002/jid.3380010208 |
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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.21, No.2 |
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