Authors: | Pobocha, Kateryna Fedyna, Vita |
Affiliation: | University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine 31, Universitetskaya str., 08205, Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine e-mail: vikulja.f@gmail.com4 |
Bibliographic description: | Pobocha, C. & Fedyna, V. (2019) Pensiina reforma v Ukraini ochyma molodi [Pension reform in Ukraine eyes of young people]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 201-209. Available at: |
Issue Date: | dec-2019 |
Submitted date: | oct-2019 |
Publisher: | Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University |
DOI: | |
UDC: | 369.5(447): 316.014 |
JEL: | G02 Z13 H55 |
Keywords: | pension reform non-state pension funds solidarity pension system funded pension system three-tier pension system |
Pages: | 201-209 |
First page: | 201 |
Last page: | 209 |
Abstract: |
Survey results of young people about a pension reform in Ukraine are presented in the article. Problems of pension reform and ways of their solutions by the youth point of view are shown. There are defined such significant deterrent factors to youth participation in cumulative pension security as low income and absence of necessarily knowledge. The study results show that only 16% of respondents are well informed about the pension system of Ukraine, 72% are familiar only with general concepts, and 12% are completely unfamiliar with this issue. At the same time, the most well-informed respondents are students of the 4th year of studying (61%), and the least-informed – students of the 1st year of studying (7%) respectively. Differences in answers concerning the size of future pension on a gender feature are established. Forecast calculations show that, under the existing gap in gender differentiation of pensions, its further growth should be expected. Awareness of this problem will allow young women to find a more effective way to provide themselves in old age and to approach it more responsibly. The attention is paid to the fact that it is needed to introduce into the learning process for all specialties of the 07 Management and administration field knowledge such discipline as «Pension case», which can be powerful source of information to give a motivational impulse to young people to think over securing themselves at old age and provide them with certain skills to analyze changes in pension realm, understand the consequences, alternatives and effective finances accumulation tools. The role of awareness of pupils, students and teachers about the pension reform in ensuring the society welfare is determined. Keywords: pension reform, non-state pension funds, solidarity pension system, funded pension system, three-tier pension system. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 2223-3822 |
Copyright owner: | Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State" |
URL-releated material: | |
References: | 1. Centr Razumkova (2003) Strakhovyj rynok v Ukrajini: stan, problemy, perspektyvy [Insurance market in Ukraine: state, problems, prospects]. Nacionaljna bezpeka ta oborona, vol. 6, no. 42, pp. 246. 2. Aghentstvo finansovykh iniciatyv ta Proekt rozvytku finansovogho sektoru (2007) Nederzhavni pensijni fondy Ukrajiny ta zaghaljnoobov'jazkova nakopychuvaljna pensijna systema [Non-state pension funds of Ukraine and the compulsory funded pension system]. Available at: fia_report_feb2007.pdf. (accessed 11 May 2017). 3. Ukrajinsjka Asociacija investycijnogho biznesu (2010) Pensijna reforma v Ukrajini: doslidzhennja suspiljnoji dumky 2010 [Pension Reform in Ukraine: A Public Opinion Survey 2010]. Available at: (accessed 01 October 2019). 4. Ghorjuk, N., Jacenko, V. (2018) Ghromadsjka dumka, pensijna reforma ta stavlennja do pensiji v Ukrajini [Public opinion, pension reform and the attitude towards pension in Ukraine]. Available at: (accessed 01 October 2019). 5. Fedyna, V. V. (2013) Finansova ghramotnistj naselennja u procesi pensijnoji reformy [Financial literacy of the population in the process of pension reform]. Naukovyj visnyk Nacionaljnogho universytetu DPS Ukrajiny, vol. 3, no. 62, pp. 177182. 6. Kornay, Ja. (2007) Sbalansirovanny`j e`konomicheskij rost i reforma [Balanced Economic Growth and Reform]. Rossiya i sovremenny`j mir, vol. 2, pp. 531. |
Issue type: | Article |
Appears in Collections: |
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.21, No.2 |
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