Authors: | Kyslova, Liudmyla Horbashevska, Maryna |
Affiliation: | Mariupol State University 129a Budivelnykiv Ave., 87500, Mariupol, Ukraine e-mail: |
Bibliographic description: | Kyslova, L., & Horbashevska, M. (2019) Rol firmovoho styliu u pidvyshchenni konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryiemstv turystychnoi industrii [The role of corporate identity in enhancing the competitiveness of tourism industry]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 168-177. Available at: |
Issue Date: | dec-2019 |
Submitted date: | oct-2019 |
Publisher: | Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University |
DOI: | |
UDC: | 338.487:339.137 |
JEL: | M310 |
Keywords: | competitiveness of tourist enterprise competitive advantage competitiveness of services corporate identity image of tourist enterprise |
Pages: | 168-177 |
First page: | 168 |
Last page: | 177 |
Abstract: |
Tourism and tourism industry serve as the basis for the world economy development and is a fundamental basis for economy formation of many countries. This encourages tourism enterprises to compete for potential customers and highlight competitiveness issues that are sufficiently relevant and under-researched in terms of tourism contemporary specifics. The purpose of the article is to research, deepen theoretical and conceptual approaches for the corporate identity formation, identify its role and influence on improving the competitiveness of tourism industry. For a sustainable and successful business, any tourism firm must have a certain positive and strong image, based on a corporate identity, which must combine different activities, be thoughtful and professionally designed, in order for the firm to be competitive on the world market. The article deals with the main stages of corporate identity formation, as well as theoretical approaches that focus on the overall management of corporate identity. The historical stages of corporate identity theory development, as well as four main theoretical approaches, each of which reveals one of the aspects of general corporate style management (strategic school, behavioral school, general communication school, visual school) are described. Scientific views on the interpretation of "corporate identity" concept are analyzed. The main goals of corporate identity formation for a tourist enterprise are defined. The result of a thoughtful corporate identity is an increase in financial, economic performance and increase in the company’s profit. More effective corporate management identity, the more competitive the tourism enterprise becomes. Keywords: competitiveness of tourist enterprise, competitive advantage, competitiveness of services, corporate identity, image of tourist enterprise. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 2223-3822 |
Copyright owner: | Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State" |
URL-releated material: | |
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Issue type: | Article |
Appears in Collections: |
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.21, No.2 |
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