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Authors:  Stadnyk, Vаlentyna
Sokoliuk, Galyna
Holovchuk, Julija
Affiliation:  Khmelnitsky National University, 11 Instytutska str., Khmelnitsky, 29016, Ukraine *e-mail: **e-mail: sokoliukg@ ***Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 87 Soborna Str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine e-mail:
Bibliographic description:  Stadnyk, V., Sokoliuk, G. & Holovchuk, J. (2019) Funktsiia marketynhu v minimizatsii ryzykiv partnerskoi vzaiemodii v biznes-systemakh industrii turyzmu [The marketing function in minimizing risks of partnerships in the tourism industry business systems]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 132-145. Available at:
Issue Date:  dec-2019
Submitted date:  sep-2019
Publisher:  Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


UDC:  338.486:005.65.01
JEL:  D21
Keywords:  tourism
partnership marketing
risks of ineffective partnership
value-oriented approach
Pages:  132-145
First page:  132
Last page:  145

The analysis of tourism development in Ukraine has been carried out and the main environmental factors affecting the formation of tourism business systems have been identified. The dynamics of tourist flows in Ukraine and its analysis make it possible to testify that there is a tendency for outbound tourism to increase and for the demand for domestic tourism products only slight positive changes are recorded. The loss of some recreational resources, as well as significant security risks, have negatively impacted the development of domestic tourism and are named as main determinants of such trends. The feasibility of developing such systems using a value-based approach has been substantiated. The essence and principles of the value-based approach to management have been examined and its key tasks have been identified in the context of the component of the consumer value of tourism products for different target markets.

It has been argued that to reduce the risks of ineffective partnerships, it is necessary to expand the functional tasks of marketing in the field of partnership management. Based on the concept of maximizing the consumer value of the grocery basket and minimizing the risks of ineffective partnership, the main areas of marketing interaction of partners have been identified in the context of competitive strategies of the tourism business system. The diversification of tourism products by offering additional opportunities to meet leisure or cognitive needs of customers and involving new partners’ resource capabilities in the chain of consumer value creation is possible if the emphasis on the factors of tourism resources diversity, consumer value creation processes and preferences of different target groups of customers is placed.

It is stated that information transparency should be an essential attribute of partnerships of business network participants, which will make it possible to avoid ineffective decisions in the process of developing strategies and tactics of working with the market. Specific marketing techniques and resources can provide greater informativeness and effectiveness of the negotiation process – both at the stage of designing a business system and at the stages of its development according to various competitive strategies.


Keywords: tourism, partnership marketing, risks of ineffective partnership, value-based approach.
ISSN:  2223-3822
Copyright owner:  Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State"
URL-releated material: /2_2018/7
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Issue type:  Article
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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.21, No.2



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