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Authors:  Bezverkhnuik, Tatiana
Sencha, Irina
Peklun, Katerina
Affiliation:  Odessa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine 22 Genoese str., Odessa, 65009, Ukraine e-mail:

Bibliographic description:  Bezverkhnuik, T., Sencha, I. & Peklun, K. (2019) Zastosuvannia instrumentiv portfelnoho upravlinnia v rozvytku terytorii [Application of portfolio management instruments in the development of territories]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 49-61. Available at:
Issue Date:  dec-2019
Submitted date:  oct-2019
Publisher:  Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


UDC:  328.184 351 316.77
JEL:  Q010
Keywords:  portfolio management
territory development
portfolio optimization model
prioritization of portfolio components
Pages:  49-69
First page:  49
Last page:  61
Abstract:  The article identifies specific problems of applying portfolio management methods and tools in the public sphere, related to both the features of the management system and the characteristics of the portfolio and projects - portfolio components. The analysis of approaches to optimization of the portfolio of projects in the public sphere is presented taking into account the fact that the projects are most often aimed not at obtaining the budget revenue but at achieving the socially significant goal, obtaining the socially significant result. The justification of the three-stage evaluation procedure for the components of the tourist territory development portfolio is provided, which allows: at the pre-selection stage to evaluate and rank each component of the portfolio according to the degree of compliance with the strategic goals of the territory development; in the second stage, supplement the assessment of the portfolio components with quantitative performance indicators showing changes in the tourist flow and corresponding changes in local budget revenues, as well as changes in the revenues of the tourism entities as the most significant stakeholder of the portfolio; in the third stage - to form an optimal set of portfolio components based on efficiency criteria and taking into account the restrictions on the volume of annual investments into the portfolio. The corresponding optimization issue of finding the maximum of the objective function - the volume of revenues from the total tourist flow, subject to the constraints of annual investments, is presented. The experience of forming a portfolio of projects of tourist territory development with its maximum efficiency and limitations on resources is covered.
ISSN:  2223-3822
Copyright owner:  Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State"
URL-посилання пов’язаного матеріалу:
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Issue type:  Article
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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.21, No.2



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