Authors: | Shumkova, Viktoriia Shumkova, Olena |
Affiliation: | Sumy National Agrarian University 160 Gerasim Kondratieva Str., Sumy, 40000, Ukraine e-mail: |
Bibliographic description: | Shumkova, V. & Shumkova, O. (2019) Upravlinnia asortymentnoiu politykoiu ahrarnoho pidpryiemstva [Management of assortment policy of agricultural enterprise]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 40-48. Available at: |
Issue Date: | dec-2019 |
Submitted date: | oct-2019 |
Publisher: | Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University |
DOI: | |
UDC: | 658.628.011.48 |
JEL: | F140 M310 Q130 Q180 |
Keywords: | assortment assortment policy agricultural enterprise industrial hemp |
Pages: | 40-48 |
First page: | 40 |
Last page: | 48 |
Abstract: |
The problems of management of the agricultural enterprise assortment policy using matrix methods of marketing research and introduction of new products groups, namely the group of non-narcotic hemp products, are researched in the article. The following areas are determined to be used while the enterprise is working on the assortment: classification, formation, optimization. The BCG matrix and the ABC analysis were used to analyze the agricultural enterprise assortment and its strategy development. Based on the results of BCG matrix, it is established that the majority of the researched enterprise’s products are at the maturity or decline stage and so is considered to be in "Dogs" category. Therefore it is advised to stop their production. The results of the ABC analysis indicate that the researched enterprise should review its own assortment and exclude some categories of agricultural products from the list or transfer them from group "C" to group "B". Assortment management approaches were applied in the research on the example of State Enterprise “Experimental Farm of the Institute of Agriculture of the North East of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine” and a perspective direction of its assortment optimization was suggested. The perspective direction of the agricultural enterprise’s assortment optimization is the cultivation of industrial hemp. According to the information of the Institute of Agriculture of the North-East of NAAS of Ukraine, the profitability of growing hemp in Sumy region is 53.2 %, which is more than soy or oil flax. It is indicated that replacement or total removal of particular products from the assortment of researched enterprise is expedient and cost-efficient. Keywords: assortment, assortment policy, agricultural enterprise, industrial hemp. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 2223-3822 |
Copyright owner: | Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State" |
URL-releated material: | |
References: | 1. Bilenkyi, O. Yu. (2013) Vdoskonalennia systemy upravlinnia asortymentom produktsii: napriamy ta rezultatyvnist [Improvement of the product assortment management system: directions and effectiveness]. Visnyk ONU imeni I. I. Mechnykova. Vol. 1/1, pp. 31-37. 2. Vynohradova, O. V. (2005) Stratehichnyi analiz yak instrument marketynhovoho doslidzhennia [Strategic analysis as a marketing research tool]. Visn. Nats. un-tu «Lviv. Politekhnika». Vol. 526, pp. 19-23. 3. Didenko, Ye. O. (2015) Upravlinnia asortymentnoiu politykoiu pidpryiemstva [Managing the assortment policy of the enterprise]. Efektyvna ekonomika [Efficient economy] (electronic journal), Vol. 3. Available at: (accessed 10 September 2019). 4. Maisak, O.S. (2013) SWOT-analiz [SWOT-analysis]. Upravlenie i vysokie tekhnologi. vol. 1. 5. Marchenko, Zh. Yu. (2015) Napriamy vykorystannia konopleproduktsii u sviti [Areas of usage of hemp production in the world]. Lubiani ta tekhnichni kultury. Vol. 4, pp. 159-165. 6. Ofitsiinyi sait Departamentu ahropromyslovoho rozvytku Sumskoi ODA (Official site of the Sumy Regional State Agricultural Development Department). Available at: (accessed 11 September 2019) 7. Ofitsiinyi sait DP DH ISH Pivnichnoho skhodu NAAN Ukrainy (Official site of the SS of the ISG SE of the North-East of NAAS of Ukraine). Available at: (accessed 11 September 2019) 8. Ofitsiinyi sait Instytutu lubianykh kultur 8. Ofitsiinyi sait Instytutu lubianykh kultur NAAN Ukrainy (Official site of the Institute of Binding Cultures of NAAS of Ukraine). Available at: (accessed 08 September 2019) 9. Prymakov, O. A. (2018) Suchasne konopliarstvo: osoblyvosti, efektyvnist, perspektyvy [Modern hemp production: features, efficiency, prospects] (electronic resource). Available at: (accessed 09 September 2019) 10. Razina, O. V. (2012) Marketynhova stratehiia yak odna iz vazhlyvykh funktsionalnykh stratehii [Marketing strategy as one of the important functional strategies]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Podilskoho derzhavnoho ahrarno-tekhnichnoho universytetu. Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 291—294. |
Issue type: | Article |
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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.21, No.2 |
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