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Internet-economy: evolution from the theory of information to the network society

Title:  Internet-economy: evolution from the theory of information to the network society
Authors:  Semenog, Andrii
Affiliation:  Sumy State University 2, Rymskogo-Korsakova st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine e-mail:
Bibliographic description:  Semenog, A. (2019) Internet-ekonomika: evoliutsiia vid teorii informatsiinoho do merezhevoho suspilstva [Internet-economy: evolution from the theory of information to the network society]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 27-39. Available at:
Issue Date:  dec-2019
Submitted date:  oct-2019
Publisher:  Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


UDC:  330.88
JEL:  A13
Keywords:  information society
network society
Internet economy
information economy
post-industrial society
Pages:  27-39
First page:  27
Last page:  39

The evolution of scientific views concerning the formation of the Internet economy in the context of information society theory transformation into a network society theory is revealed in the paper. A critical analysis of the approaches of Japanese scholars to the theory of the information society is made, the specifics and impact of rapid computerization on the formation of their views are determined. It is emphasized on the leading role of F. Mahlup in the development of the concept “knowledge industry”, D. Bell in the development of ideas of “postindustrial society”, M. Porat and M. Rubin in the development of the area of “information economy” as the stages of the theory of information society evolution. The basic approaches to the definition of information society are highlighted: technological, economic, employment, spatial, cultural. J. Masood's theory of the information society, which describes the experience of Japan in the information society development, in particular, the computerization of social and economic spheres, is analyzed. E. Toffler's approach to the formation of the information society is studied; it is determined that the development of the public life information sphere led to the peak of industrial civilization. The role and importance of M. Castels’ works in the development of the network society theory and Internet economy are substantiated. The role of global network structures which form new e-business industry is identified. It is proven that the success of the Internet economy depends on the ability of businesses to scale their activities quickly, interact in real time and offer personalized product to customers. It is noted that the success of Internet companies and the "new economy" is closely linked to the formation of a global financial market, the functioning of which is ensured by a developed telecommunications network.


Keywords: information society, network society, Internet economy, information economy, post-industrial society.
ISSN:  2223-3822
Copyright owner:  Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State"
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Issue type:  Article
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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.21, No.2



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