Determination of synergic interaction possibilities and construction of a strategic development map of the "industrial enterprise - united territorial community" system in the context of the germinative vectors of development implementation
Title: |
Determination of synergic interaction possibilities and construction of a strategic development map of the "industrial enterprise - united territorial community" system in the context of the germinative vectors of development implementation |
Authors: |
Hahaliuk, Olha |
Affiliation: |
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University 56 Ruska str., 46001, Ternopil, Ukraine |
Bibliographic description (International): |
Hahaliuk, O. (2023) Determination of synergic interaction possibilities and construction of a strategic development map of the "industrial enterprise - united territorial community" system in the context of the germinative vectors of development implementation. Socio-Economic Problems and the State (electronic journal), Vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 79-85. URL: |
Journal/Collection: |
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State |
Issue: |
1(28) |
Issue Date: |
Jun-2023 |
Submitted date: |
Apr-2023 |
Date of entry: |
2-Aug-2023 |
Publisher: |
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University |
Country (code): |
UA |
Place of the edition/event: |
Ternopil |
ORCID Id: | |
DOI: UDC: | 338.456.6:352.07.046.5. |
JEL: |
L23 |
Keywords: |
industrial enterprise |
Number of pages: |
7 |
Page range: |
79-85 |
Start page: |
79 |
End page: |
85 |
Abstract: |
The main goals of germinal development, which must be achieved by 2030 and become the basis for further transformations in Ukraine based on new guidelines, programs and projects are described in the article. It is determined that the context of germinal development, both of a territorial community and an industrial enterprise, is built on the involved and high-quality use of financial resources, the provision of innovative development, socio-cultural and ecological components. It is revealed that the goal of germinal development in the context of decentralization is to create a synergistic interaction that promotes the development of industrial enterprises through coordinated actions of the management apparatus of united territorial communities. At the same time, the emphasis is put on the development of the territorial community itself by stimulating financial activity, production and economic processes, increasing the socio-cultural component and preserving the environment. The key current problems in the context of the synergy "industrial enterprise – united territorial community" are emphasized and the reasons for these problems are highlighted. It is stated that the formation of programs for the preservation and reproduction of the environment, ensuring energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in the activities of both the industrial enterprise and the united territorial community are also important aspects. The proposed mechanism, which is presented in the form of interconnected stages, which make it possible to ensure synergistic interaction between an industrial enterprise and a united territorial community to ensure sustainable development. This mechanism provides for a cycle of consecutive actions, starting with the definition of the purpose and strategic goals of synergistic interaction in the aspect of germinal development to the construction of a strategic map of the development of the united territorial community in cooperation with an industrial enterprise. |
Sponsorship: |
The authors received no direct funding for this research. |
URI: | |
2223-3822 |
Copyright owner: |
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State |
URL for reference material: | |
References (International): |
1. Nekrasova L. A., Butkovska V. V. (2021) Napriamy udoskonalennia orhanizatsii protsesu stratehuvannia rozvytku vyrobnychykh pidpryiemstv Ukraini v umovakh detsentralizatsii. [Directions for improving the organization of the process of strategizing the development of production enterprises in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization] Ekonomichnyi zhurnal Odeskoho politekhnichnoho universytetu. No. 3. pp. 69–75. |
Content type: |
Article |
Appears in Collections: |
Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.28, No.1 |
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