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Theoretical-empirical provisions of the economic and management mechanism of personnel motivation for energy saving at the enterprise



Theoretical-empirical provisions of the economic and management mechanism of personnel motivation for energy saving at the enterprise



Klymchuk, M.

Bibliographic description:


Klymchuk, M. Teoretyko-empirychni polozhennia ekonomikoupravlinskoho mekhanizmu motyvatsii personalu do enerhozberezhennia na pidpryiemstvi [Theoretical-empirical provisions of the economic and management mechanism of personnel motivation for energy saving at the enterprise]. Socio-Economic Problems and the State. 17 (2), 65-73.

Issue Date:



Submitted date:





Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University








energy saving





The article deals with the actualization of the problems of the formation and implementation of the economic and managerial mechanism of motivation of the personnel for energy saving of construction enterprises, which is conditioned by modern trends of the external environment of their functioning. The purpose of the paper is to develop the theoretical and empirical provisions of the economic and managerial mechanism of motivation of the personnel for energy saving at the enterprises. The analysis of the specifics of energy saving in construction companies and the study of the definition of motivation has given the opportunity to determine the motivation to save energy as a process of planning changes aimed at increasing energy efficiency through the incorporation of the latest methodologies, in particular, "Methodology of Facilitation" and reflections on motivating employees to save energy and achieve congruence (agreement) between the organizational structure, processes, strategy, personnel of the enterprise. The theoretical and empirical provisions of the economic and managerial mechanism of motivation of personnel for energy saving at the enterprises are developed, where parametrical characteristic and functional feature of the specificity of formation and realization of the mechanism of motivation of personnel for energy saving are determined.



Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at




Copyright owner:


Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", 2017

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Scientific Journal "Socio-Economic Problems and the State", Vol.17, No.2



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