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Implementation of innovative management technologies of egovernance in local government Ternopil region for example


Implementation of innovative management technologies of egovernance in local government Ternopil region for example


Oksentyuk, Roman


Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University 56 Ruska str., 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine

Bibliographic description

Oksentyuk, R. (2018). Vprovadzhennia innovatsiinykh upravlinskykh tekhnolohii elektronnoho uriaduvannia v orhanakh mistsevoho samovriaduvannia na prykladi Ternopilskoi oblasti [Implementation of innovative management technologies of egovernance in local government Ternopil region for example]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava [Socio-Economic Problems and the State] (electronic journal), Vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 186-195.

Issue Date


Submitted date



Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University







web portal
local government
iGov public service portal
administrative services
democratic society
public administration



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Some theoretical aspects of the latest management technologies of e-governance in local self-government bodies are taken into consideration in the article (Ternopil region as a case study). The process of e-governance introduction has been analyzed on the basis of materials of the existing system of public services portal “iGoy” and single state portal of administrative services. Some practical recommendations are offered on the improvement of innovative management technologies introduction into local state authorities. The research is quite urgent as the innovative technologies development result in general system of management principles creation and especially they are making great impact on government bodies. As at the present life stage the democratic society development is very important for our country residents, the matter of the these technologies use in local self-government bodies is of paramount importance. The existing ready-to-run tools, namely those which are already developed, such as: iGov's Public Services Portal and single state-owned portal of administrative services are the most efficient. As for the first one, the only problem is to launch the already developed services in the region, the connection of the second one is impossible due to the absence of services that could be launched. In Ternopil region it would be advisable to focus on filling and promoting the Public Service Portal "iGov", as the work on it has already started and a separate regional portal has been created on its basis. To develop a regional portal, it is necessary to set up separate business processes in the region. Having applied the recommendations comprehensively, it is possible to achieve the set goal, which is based on the introduction of any e-government in order to simplify the life of citizens and reduce corruption in public authorities in general and at local levels.




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Socio-Economic Problems and the State


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Socio-Economic Problems and the State, Vol. 18, no. 1



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